Saturday, May 12, 2007

Agriculture in Malaysia

It has been a long way for Malaysia to be self sufficiency in agriculture. Although Malaysia has produced a lot of rubber, oil palm and cocoa but many had still in the pipe-line need to be export orientated. We still import a lot of foods and food-related products even these produces could be produced in the country.For example we still import a lot of corn,rice,sugar, wheat related products,fruits etc. There are ample of land that need to be cultivated and used profitably. I see there are possibilities of how Malaysia could become a giant food exporter in the world. There are a few things that need to be considered thoroughly.

1. Through research and development of the upbringing the products from farm to consumers. There should an aggressive drive by the relate parties in planting let such say promising fruits clones, good infrastructure like cold rooms, cold storage,roads,etc. Research should not be done in bits-and-pieces, meaning they should tackled from and at all angles brainstormed by a special committee left and right in more concerted way. Spend more time on planning rather that quick-result implementations.

2. Marketing of agricultural goods. I could tell you that from my experiences that the government did not bother much about the welfare of the farmers.This is because agricultural goods are sold at below par price from the market simply the quality is not good- no cold rooms, marketing outlet- although there is a marketing body to handle market- they still could not cope the problems which are fundamental e.g not enough staffs, facilities, etc. They just are just gov. officers; they be improve if the organization is privatise and run in a corporate way.

3.Transfer of technology. This things has been going on years and years.I can tell you that the experienced and progressived farmers are far better knowledge. There is only one program in the TV per week repeated twice.No popular agriculture magazines (except Chinese) to be read by all although there is one or two last time.

4.Commitment by the people- politicians especially. They should help every people who likes or interested in agriculture.Talking is not enough. I see now many 'big brothers' that benefit from the government but what about poor pak cik and mak cik in the kampungs left abandon without notice. This is true the government did not find alternative for them. Agriculture projects should be balance with urbanization because if this thing is not been considered properly there would be a big gap between the rich and poor .

5.Ethnic commitment. Malaysia is made of 3 main races. Malay,Chinese and Indians.What I observe it that produces made by the Malays are below price than their Chinese counterparts particularly the Chinese had their marketing outlet at the hypermarkets and big markets.Being true Malaysians this should be.For after 50 years of independent this should NOT be. Back to basics. Come on.

6. Ruler's Project. There are many rulers in Malaysia. What I see that they are very 'far' from the people.Unlike Thailand, the King had his own agricultural projects and I have have been to some of the projects .These projects are to solve hardcore problems such as turning drug traffics areas and drug-producing crops to fruit growing and tourism destinations.We should learn and follow what is good. Do more for the people.

7. Land banks and policy. The government should keep tracts of all land used and not used at every levels from state, districts, villages for agriculture. Land allocated for agriculture not should not be easily converted into housing or industrial lands without replacing new lands. Somebody should trace which land is not been used and the database is updated monthly. The policy is that every inch of land should utilized without being left idle. The land owners should given a notice if his /her land is not been cultivated for agriculture and summons should be sent if they don't work on it otherwise they should let other people to do for them.


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